1. How did you come up with the idea of The Body Finder?
We were driving one day, when my husband came up with the idea of a boy who could find dead bodies. Since I’m always trying to be difficult, I immediately changed the main character to a teenage girl and created Violet’s ability to find the dead. Around our house, my husband still refers to himself as my “co-author.”
2. Who is your favorite character in The Body Finder?
Violet and Jay are by far my favorites, but Chelsea has been a lot of fun too! There’s just something really great about a girl who doesn’t have that inner-voice telling her what NOT to say. I probably like writing her because my inner-voice tends to stay silent a lot of times. :)
3. Any advice for aspiring authors?
Write as often as you can and read as much as possible. And, of course, never ever give up!
4. What’s next for you *book speaking*?
I have another project that I’m working on but I’m crazy-superstitious and afraid to jinx it. So that’s all I’ll say ;)
5. Who are some of your favorite authors?
There are WAY too many to list but you can find most of them at the following sites:

The Tenners (www.thetenners.com)
The Debutantes (www.feastofawesome.com)
Smart Chicks Kick It Tour (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jackson-Pearce/324549258692?v=wall#!/SmartChicksKickIt?ref=ts)
6. What are 5 things you couldn't live without?
Oxygen (this was way funnier in my head)
7. Is there anything you would like to add?
To question 6? Yes, Skittles! :)
Thank you so much for having me today. It was so fun! Also, I absolutely adore you and your blog and recommend that everyone in the world start following you immediately!
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