Thursday, March 18, 2010

Author Appreciation Week- Day 4

This week is author appreciation week. This week was created by Heidi R. Kling. You can read the post about it here. Along with posting about the authors I appreciate this week, I am also having a week-long feature for The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting.

I have two authors to talk about today. They are both super fantastic and amazing. The first author is:

Markus Zusak

Markus Zusak isn't online much *or at all...* but he is an amazing writer. He has written numerous books, the most famous of those being The Book Thief and I Am The Messenger. The Book Thief is one of the only books I have read that I have actually heard parents of kids in my class talk about. I even have given my teacher my copy to read. It is beautifully written. I Am The Messenger is just... wow. I loved this book so much, it was really thrilling.
Another reason Markus Zusak is awesome is because he is Australian... which means he has an accent. Yay!

Courtney Summers

Yay! Courtney Summers is so sweet! I haven't read both of her books, sadly. I have only read Some Girls Are, which is so addicting! Courtney is another one of those authors that tweet, which is always an added bonus. Though Courtney hates Werewolves *sigh*, I can forgive her for that. Guess what? I am also in her Zombie Apocalypse Survival Posse. EVIDENCE-

courtney_s @khyrinthia omg I am trying to wrap my head around this. YOU GUYS ARE IN MY ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SURVIVING POSSE. @Sarahbear9789 @zoealea I don't like to brag but survival is GUARANTEED with me. Unless you like werewolves and then I guarantee nothing.

---- She doesn't need to know I am team werewolf. Shhhh. Actually, I am Team Werewolf when it comes to Twilight and Harry Potter. But generally, Vamps are pretty darn cool.

1 comment:

April (BooksandWine) said...

Yay for Marcus Zusak! I lovedlovedloved the Book Thief, my copy has been through so many hands -- I wound up giving it to a friend who had to borrow it for an indeterminate amount of time -- still need to order a new copy! Rock on for featuring Zusak. :-)