Thursday, January 28, 2010

An Sad Day in the Literature World

Today is a sad day for a lot of readers/writers. Why, you ask? Because, after I got home from school I did my usual checking of my email and there, on the front page of Yahoo was a headline that read "J.D. Salinger dies at 91."
Though J.D. Salinger wasn't the best person in the world, he was an amazing author. I personally have only read half of The Catcher in the Rye, but I know that J.D. Salinger has touched many lives with his writing. I saw this video today on Youtube, and I felt like posting it. So, here....

In honor of Mr. Salinger's death, I am personally going to try and read all of the books I own that he has written.

UPDATE- I also just saw this video posted by YA Author John Green...