Something has been happening to me, which is very out of the ordinary. There have been a lot of times recently where I actually don't want to read. Why is that, you ask? One of the reasons is a very common source of distraction. That form of distraction is Television! In this post, I will be telling you three shows that have been making me put off reading, because I love them so much!
So, here we go!
Number 1: Doctor Who
Ok, this show is one of my favorites. Not only does it satisfy the Sci-Fi nerd inside me, but, I mean, the characters are BRITISH! I think, the worst part of my obsession with this show has to be that, when it isn't on TV. I can find episodes on numerous websites.
The Doctor is really awesome, and the journey's that he and his companion's take are really cool.
Number 2: 10 Things I Hate About You
Not only do I love this TV show, but I also love the movie. I actually recently bought the movie, so I can watch it whenever I want (WHOOO!)
This show is one of the main reasons I look forward to Tuesday's. It is really really interesting. And, I have to admit, I have a bit of a fan-girl crush on Patrick Verona (he is totally the bad boy xD). I love how the sisters are polar opposites. One of them is into being popular and brand-names and stuff, and the other one is earth-friendly, a feminist, and totally doesn't give a crap about popularity (I like her the best).
Number 3: Being Human
I totally only saw this show like 4 days ago. But, I LOVE it! It's another british one, and its paranormal! How could you possibly get any better!? Hehe.

So, those are some of the TV show's I LOVE. You can blame them for my lack of reviews.
Yes, Dr. Who is wonderful. I haven't seen 10 Things I Hate about You, but the movie was good and you've got to love a sitcom based on Shakespeare... but then all of them are really.
I haven't seen those other two shows but I absolutely love Doctor Who. lol.
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