Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lies Beneath Tour: Top Ten List

Today I have Anne Greenwood Brown on the blog for a top ten list! Her book Lies Beneath came out on the 12th, so I’m super excited to have her here today!

LIES BENEATH is set on Lake Superior, the Apostle Islands, and the mainland town of Bayfield, Wisconsin, so here is my:

Top Ten Things to do on Lake Superior

1. Visit Tom’s Burned Down CafĂ©;

2. Hike Stockton Island (and watch out for bears);

3. Eat an apple brat at Applefest;

4. Visit the Apostle Islands Booksellers;

5. Dive down to check out sunken ships;

6. Go kayaking;

7. Check out the Red Cliff Pow Wow;

8. Visit the Madeline Island Fourth of July Parade (some parades throw candy. This parade throws hot dogs);

8. Brave the water temperature and go swimming;

9. Collect beach glass; and

10. Hike the cliffs at the Madeline Island Town Park


TayteH said...

Collecting beach glass sounds like fun

Lexie said...

Ooh, I like this! I'm actually planning to visit the Great Lakes at some point this year, so this is useful information. :D