Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Favorite and Not Favorite Boys of YA
Trish Doller posted about it... here is her website.
Khy posted about it... here is her blog.
Kelsey posted about it... here is her blog.
Jordyn posted about it... here is her blog.
And finally...
Mitali posted about it... here is her blog.
So, lets get down to business. Because I don't want to only post five. I am going to post however many I come up with.
1. Eli from Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
2. Remus Lupin from Harry Potter by JK Rowling
In my defense, I just think he is a cool guy. Im not like thinking he is cute or anything. But, he
was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. And, he was just a cool character.
3. Sirius Black from Harry Potter by JK Rowling
Once again, DONT JUDGE ME! Sirius is the godfather of Harry. He is a cool dude. I mean
seriously (no pun intended) he is an awesome character. He escaped from Azkaban and went
to go find his godson, after not seeing him since he was a baby.
4. Wes from The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
He is artsy...
5. Dexter from This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
He is annoying but cute, and is confident that he will get Remy to like him, no matter what.
6. Owen from Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
He is musical and honest...
7. Cabel from Fade and Wake by Lisa McMann
I know a lot of people don't really like Cabel, but I do. He takes care of Janie. I don't think I
would like him in real life. But, still.
There are more of these boys. But I simply cannot think of them all right now.
1. Edward Cullen
He is too perfect, well, he isn't even perfect. He is staliker-ish at slightly
2.Eric from Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
Ok. He is just...bleck... I don't like him one bit...
3.The Other Colin from An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
He did that to Lindsey... I dislike him very much...
Monday, June 29, 2009
New New Moon Book Cover

So, I found this cover recently. It is simply gorgeous. Im not a huge Twilight. But, I want this cover!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
An Interview with DEVYN!

So, I interviewed Devyn. He is a blogger and an aspiring Young Adult author. You can find his website here. So, lets get on with this interview:
1. Devyn, you are an aspiring YA writer, how many novels have you written?
I have written one and a half.
I just completed my first novel June 25th 2009. It has to do with Vampires, but I can assure you I have loved Vampires all of my life and only like Twilight.... a little more then any normal male should.
The other is a paranormal project that I currently do not have the energy to time to invest the proper amount of research into it!
2. When did you start your blog?
I started reviewing books in 2007--I had just set up FaerieDrink.com the official Holly Black fan site and decided I wanted to review books as well.
I didn't talk much with other reviewers but this year I have broken out of my shell and have made tons of reviewer friends.
3. When did you know you wanted to write?
I always have wanted to write--I have boxes upon boxes of stories and characters ready for action. Most will never see the light of day, sadly.
4. You vlog on Five Awesome YA Fans, what is your favorite part about it?
I love when someone leaves a comment and says that they loved a book I suggested to them. Getting great books into the hands of teens is what it is all about!
5. Devyn, is there anything you would like to add?
Anyone can write. You are an author when you can finish what you have started.
Thanks so much for doing this interview Devyn!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Evernight by Claudia Gray

An excellent novel.
Bianca wants to escape.
She's been uprooted from her small hometown and enrolled at Evernight Academy, an eerie Gothic boarding school where the students are somehow too perfect: smart, sleek, and almost predatory. Bianca knows she doesn't fit in.
Then she meets Lucas. He's not the "Evernight type" either, and he likes it that way. Lucas ignores the rules, stands up to the snobs, and warns Bianca to be careful--even when it comes to caring about him.
""I couldn't stand it if they took it out on you,"" he tells Bianca, ""and eventually they would.""
But the connection between Bianca and Lucas can't be denied. Bianca will risk anything to be with Lucas, but dark secrets are fated to tear them apart . . . and to make Bianca question everything she's ever believed.
I have a friend from school, who had read these books. She kept telling me to read them. I didn't want to. But, now that I did, I will be telling a lot of people I know to read it.
It was a really good book and I can't wait to get my hands on the second one!
Friday, June 26, 2009
An Interview with Suzanne Young

I recently interviewed soon-to-be author and current tenner Suzanne Young. Here it is:
1. What's it like being a tenner?
It’s very cool! I get to meet and hang out with the most amazing authors! It’s pretty crazy to think that all of us will have our books snuggled together on the shelves next year. It’s a bonding experience.
2. Could you give us a quick summary about your new book, The Naughty List?
As leader of the SOS (Society of Smitten Kittens), Tessa’s mission is twofold: pep preservation and relationship salvation. That’s right, Tessa is a head cheerleader whose night job is catching cheating boyfriends in the act! Thank goodness her own relationship with Aiden is strawberry-smoothie purrfect—well, almost.
The Naughty List is already at maximum capacity when sultry Chloe Ferril transfers to Washington High. Tessa knows this predatory vixen won’t stop hunting Aiden until her claws are planted firmly in

But Tessa’s in for an even bigger shock when Aiden’s name shows up on The Naughty List, and she’s finally forced to confront the unthinkable: is her own boyfriend just as naughty as all the rest?
3. Did you have any input on the cover of your novel? Do you like the cover?
I think the window frame on the cover is brilliant because it’s like we’re spying too! But I had nothing to do with it. Ha ha. But I really do like it! And the best part is that each book in the series will be framed in a different color.
4. Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
Keep writing. I actually really mean that. The Naughty List was the fifth book I wrote, and even after it, I wrote several more. It was how I learned to write. So just keep writing!
5. Is there anything that you would like to add?
Just that I’m so happy at how much support the blogging community has given me so far! You guys are really great! Thank you.
I would like to thank Suzanne Young for doing this interview.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Sarah!

So, today is Sarah of Sarah's Random Musings birthday. She is turning the lovely age of 18. Congratulations, girl! Sarah is a wonderful person, and I am very happy that she is a blogger. I believe we were each others first subscribers, or very close to it. I can always depend on Sarah to answer my dumb blogging questions.
You should all go wish her a happy birthday. She is a gorgeous person, and she deserves it.
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday

Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn
January 12, 2010
I love Rachel Cohn's book a lot. I have found them really enjoyable, and can't wait to read this one. The cover isn't the best ever, but I think it will grab readers. And, the title is also very catching. I am totally looking forward to this book.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The books I finished-
* Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
* Evernight by Claudia Gray
* Evermore(re-read)
* Ghostgirl (half)
* What Would Emma Do? (20 pages into it)
* Slept Away (10 pages into it)
So, expect reviews soon.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Google Reader!!!???
I am just curious... who here subscribes using GoogleReader or another non-blogger program. I just want to know. No reason why. But, could you please comment on this? Thanks so much.
More reviews to come.
Best Wishes,
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

Wow... just...wow....
It's been so long since Auden slept at night. Ever since her parents' divorce - or since the fighting started. Now she has the chance to spend a carefree summer with her dad and his new family in the charming beach town where they live. A job in a clothes boutique introduces Auden to the world of girls: their talk, their friendship, their crushes. She missed out on all that, too busy being the perfect daughter to her demanding mother. Then she meets Eli, an intriguing loner and a fellow insomniac who becomes her guide to the nocturnal world of the town. Together they embark on parallel quests: for Auden, to experience the carefree teenage life she's been denied; for Eli, to come to terms with the guilt he feels for the death of a friend.
I don't really know how to put my feelings about this book into words. I loved it so much.
Im now an Eli girl. Sorry to those of you who aren't but, I mean, he's just so... Eli!
Sarah Dessen wrote a beautiful story about family, friends, bikes, pie, and finding love. It is a must read for every person that enjoys Young Adult books and/or life.
Auden was a lovely character. I loved how her parents divorce actually brought her good things. For example; the divorce made it so she can't really sleep, which, when she was visiting her father, brought her closer to Eli.
I can't express my love for this book enough! Dessen has done it again!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
An Interview with Heather Davis

I have recently done an interview with Heather Davis, who is the author a newly released book entitled Never Cry Werewolf. Here, my friends, is the interview...
What made you decide to write a novel about a werewolf?
I wrote the book back in the winter of 2005/spring 2006 – There wasn’t a whole lot happening in paranormal back then (this was pre-Twilight hysteria) and the previous fall I had written a ghost-whisperer book only to have Jennifer Love Hewitt’s series come on TV. I wanted to do something fresh, and I realized what was really missing was werewolves. Also, I’ve always loved werewolves – there’s something intriguing about having two ways of being – about how everyone has a “dark” side. I remember driving home from town one day and thinking as I reached the thick woods about how werewolves would totally live in the Pacific Northwest.
What is it like being a debut author?
I sold Never Cry Werewolf back in October of 2006 – and it’s finally coming out now -- so, to say I am overjoyed is an understatement. Finally seeing my book in the hands of readers is going to be such a sweet reward for the waiting and the hard work. I’ve dreamed of seeing my books in print for years.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Absolutely – be fearless. And what that means is don’t be afraid to write something that sucks (all first drafts do, anyway). Don’t be afraid to show your work to other writers to get feedback to help improve your writing. Don’t let anyone tell you that you won’t make it. Know in your heart that you are born to tell stories and keep working to get better and better. Someone close to me actually told me that I’d never sell a werewolf book -- and after writing seven other unpublished novels, Never Cry Werewolf is the first book I sold. If I had listened to that nay-sayer or believed in the negativity they expressed, I never would have published my book. So being fearless means believing in yourself.
Is there a certain place where you do all of your writing?
Yes. I write at a local, independent coffee shop two to three nights a week after my normal day job ends. On the weekends I mostly write at home. Once I’m into revisions, sometimes I’ll just write at home during the week so I can write, eat dinner, write again, etc. Writing takes a lot of discipline and sometimes I can’t go out and hang out with my friends because I’m on deadline. Luckily, they understand.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
When I was a teen I loved Anne Rice’s vampire novels and even earlier than that I used to read all the Agatha Christie mysteries. These days I love books by Scott Westerfeld, Libba Bray, Marcus Zusak, Neil Gaiman. I read widely in YA, I guess – although you might find me reading adult authors too.
When you found out that Never Cry Werewolf was going to be published, what was your reaction?
Well, I was on the top of a mountain, just coming into cell range when I saw the message icon on my phone. I parked the car at an overlook and listened to the message from my agent that we had an offer from Harper. Then, I got home, called him, and freaked out. It was such an amazing feeling to have finally sold a book after fighting through more than six years of rejection letters. Let’s just say there were tears.
When did you first know that you wanted to become an author?
I always knew I would be some kind of artist. I wrote plays in elementary school and poetry, and short stories later. I kept a journal all through high school! But actually, as an adult I was going to be a filmmaker/screenwriter. After college though, I bailed on a graduate degree in film to get married and stay close to home – but then I rediscovered short story writing (which I’d loved in high school and college) and went to a writing conference. And then, sitting there with all those people so into writing like I was, I suddenly realized maybe I could write a novel. I sold a children’s short story to Cricket Magazine soon after that, and it was like validation that I was on the right path. Jump cut to many years later and I’m a novelist. It’s pretty amazing.
Why did you choose to write Young Adult fiction?
I substitute taught elementary school for six years and loved working with the older kids. I realized that maybe instead of writing adult novels, I should write something for them. So I did. I actually had a student I trusted read a few chapters of my first YA and she encouraged me to go on. I’ll always be grateful to her.
If you could have any other profession, besides being an author, what would you be?
I really enjoyed a lot of different jobs I’ve had in my life, so, maybe I would be a teacher or a chef. Or maybe a screenwriter…?
Is there anything that you would like to add?
Just thanks so much for doing the interview! It’s been an honor. If anyone wants to know more about Never Cry Werewolf or my spring book, The Clearing, pop over to www.heatherdavisbooks.com .
Thank you to Heather Davis for agreeing to do this interview.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis (Published September 1, 2009)

Shelby’s summer plans go totally awry when her horrible stepmother sends her off to “brat camp” as punishment for one too many broken curfews. Camp is full of spoiled rich kids, obnoxious counselors wanting Shelby to talk about her feelings, and a totally inhumane “no cell phones” policy.
Things start looking up, though, when Shelby meets fellow camper (and son of a rock star) Austin Bridges III. But soon she realizes there’s more to Austin than crush material—his family has a dark secret, and he wants Shelby’s help guarding it. Shelby knows that bad boys get her into trouble…but who is she to turn her back on a guy in need, especially such a good-looking one?
This was a really sweet book. Some parts were mushy and slightly sappy. But, other parts were very well written and filled with emotion. Towards the middle of this book, my eyes actually started watering. There were ultimate lows, and ultimate highs. Almost always, when I wasn't reading a sad part of the book, I was reading a sweet and happy part of it. When Shelby's stomach had butterflies, so did mine.
The story was a bit generic though. Most of the stereotypes were fulfilled in this novel. I liked it; you may not like it, or you may like it. But the only way to find out is to read it.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

When Annabel, the youngest of three beautiful sisters, has a bitter falling out with her best friend-the popular and exciting Sophie-she suddenly finds herself isolated and friendless. but then she meets owen-a loner, passionate about music and his weekly radio show, and always determined to tell the truth. And when they develop a friendship, Annabel is not only introduced to new music but is encouraged to listen to her own inner voice. with owen's help, can Annabel find the courage to speak out about what exactly happened the night her friendship with Sophie came to a screeching halt?
This book was very nice, It combined music, friendship, and an unknown love. I have always been a huge Dessen fan, and there was no exception with this book.
Owen is mysterious, music-loving, and caring. During the book, you follow him on a wonderful journey. In the begining of the book you find out that Owen has anger management problems, throughout the book he works on getting rid of his anger. And, by the end of the book, he has done that.
In the book, you also follow Annabel in her journey of finding herself.
This was a lovely book, and a must read.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

This book is impeccable.
Macy's summer stretches before her, carefully planned and outlined. She will spend her days sitting at the library information desk. She will spend her evenings studying for the SATs. Spare time will be used to help her obsessive mother prepare for the big opening of the townhouse section of her luxury development. But Macy's plans don't anticipate a surprising and chaotic job with Wish Catering, a motley crew of new friends, or ... Wes. Tattooed, artistic, anything-but-expected Wes. He doesn't fit Macy's life at all--so why does she feel so comfortable with him? So ... happy? What is it about him that makes her let down her guard and finally talk about how much she misses her father, who died before her eyes the year before?
This is one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books. It is wonderfully written, and just magnificent. Wes, though he kind of seems like the "perfect guy" actually isn't. Throughout this book, Macy learns whats best for her, and how to become her own person. This was a wonderful novel. Yes, I wouldn't call it "coming of age" because it seemed like she was already a grown up, but that's all she was. Whereas, by the end of the book, she learned to be both grown up and youthful.
All of Sarah Dessen's books are really good, but with this one, she went up and beyond! You should totally check it out!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Winners of Twenty Boy Summer!!!
So, if you won, please e-mail me your address so I can mail you the package. My e-mail is zaser_jam AT yahoo DOT com
Best Wishes,
A Guest Post by the Lovely Sarah Ockler

Happy Birthday, Zoe!!!
*confetti* *confetti* *confetti*
To celebrate Zoe's birthday, I'd like to share one of my best -- or maybe just craziest -- birthday stories ever. I'm not talking about the time when I was six and wanted to be the Lone Ranger so I wore a mask for an entire year, including to my own birthday party with my pink party dress...
No. I'm talking about the year I turned 14. It was right before I started a new high school and I was super nervous that everyone would hate me and that I wouldn't make any new friends and even worse, that all of my old friends would be rockin' out without me just down the street, because although our new house wasn't that far from the old one, it was *right* over the school district line. Lame.
Anyway, Mom and Dad let me have a "friends only" birthday party with my old friends at the end of the summer, just before starting the new horrid school that I was definitely going to hate. I was allowed to invite both girls and boys. The girls would sleep over and the boys would be ushered out at a certain time and for the most part, my parents promised to leave us alone in the basement.
The night of the party, we listened to music, drank soda, ate chips and cake, and sat completely separated -- girls on one side, boys on the other, each group chatting and laughing at our own nervous little jokes.
Then someone uttered the magic words.
Thus ended the girl-boy separation for the evening!
We got together in a tight circle and began spinning. When a certain boy (let's call him, um, oh, I know... Cute Boy Who Shall Remain Nameless Because 20 Years Later He's Now My Facebook Friend And Wouldn't That Be Awkward if He Read This) took his spin, I closed my eyes and willed and hoped and prayed it would point to me. And it did. And every cell in my body started buzzing when Nameless Facebook Awkward smiled and looked at me and leaned across the middle of the circle. I mean, I had a crush on NFA for the entire year! And now, the night of my boy-girl birthday party, down in the basement of my new house that was just over the district line from my old school, NFA was about to kiss me! KISS me!! In front of everyone! And I thought, wow, life is so awesome, yet totally bittersweet because my crush will finally be requited but now I'm in a whole new school and how can 14-year-olds without cars handle long distance relationships and why didn't we play spin the bottle sooner and maybe everything would have turned out differently but it didn't so now I'll just have to make this one really passionate so he can never ever forget me and even though we won't be together, I can hopefully rest at peace in the knowledge that I will forever remain NFA's "One Who Got Away..."
But before I could ponder Cupid's cruelty for one more second, he did it. He put his hands lightly on the back of my neck and kissed me, soft and for just a few seconds on the lips, and I pretty much melted right into the chip dip.
I don't remember what any of my presents were or what time my parents finally kicked the boys out. I just knew that one minute I was completely buzzing and floating and dreaming about NFA's soft kiss, and the next minute...
...I was *freaking out* almost peeing my pants because, without the boys around for entertainment, the girls decided to break out the Ouija board and call forth the spirit of a drowned boy who also shall remain nameless -- not because he's my Facebook friend, but because part of me still believes we really *did* get in touch with the spirit of a dead boy and I want to be respectful. And truth be told I don't want to come that close to peeing my pants again. Anyway, we chatted with the boy's spirit and completely scared ourselves to the point that none of us would sleep for the next few days, and for many years after, we still couldn't say his name out loud without one of us screaming.
Sadly, my once-immutable passion for Nameless Facebook Awkward burned out a few weeks later. By burned out, I mean that he never called me back and then made up some lame excuse about babysitting his little sister when I invited him to the homecoming dance at my new school. Jerk.
Still. I'll always look back on that party as the craziest birthday -- the night of a thousand roller coaster emotions -- love and life and death and cake all converging in the basement of my new house to usher me swiftly into my 14th year.
Zoe, I wish you a wonderful, magical birthday filled with lots of love, happiness, and wishes come true. Um, minus the bottles and ghosts. :-)
Sarah Ockler
Happy Birthday to ME!!!

So, today is my birthday. I am turning 13. Yes, I am fairly young, I know. I don't really have anything on the agenda today. I will be in a chat. I will be reading. And then, later my family will come over for cake.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Today is the Release of Along for the Ride

So, today is a very special day. It is the release of the new Sarah Dessen book entitled Along for the Ride. Sarah is an incredibly good author. All her books are amazing. Here is a summary that I have found about Along for the Ride.
It's been so long since Auden slept at night. Ever since her parents' divorce - or since the fighting started. Now she has the chance to spend a carefree summer with her dad and his new family in the charming beach town where they live. A job in a clothes boutique introduces Auden to the world of girls: their talk, their friendship, their crushes. She missed out on all that, too busy being the perfect daughter to her demanding mother. Then she meets Eli, an intriguing loner and a fellow insomniac who becomes her guide to the nocturnal world of the town. Together they embark on parallel quests: for Auden, to experience the carefree teenage life she's been denied; for Eli, to come to terms with the guilt he feels for the death of a friend.
I pre-ordered the book last weekend. So, I should be getting it later today when the mail comes. But, I am very excited to read it. Y'all should go out and check out Along for the Ride.
Monday, June 15, 2009
TTYL by Lauren Myracle

Wow... I don't really know what to say about this book. It was different.
Angela (SnowAngel), Maddie (mad maddie), and Zoe (zoegirl)-through the roller coaster ride of tenth grade, with its boy temptation, donut runs, driving lessons, math torture, and queen bee encounters. The winsome threesome handles it all...then life suddenly jumps the tracks. A jerky boy sends peppy Angela into the dumps. Tough Maddie makes a mistake that has the whole school talking. And good girl Zoe ends up in over her head with a flirty teacher. Just when they need one another most, their friendship seems ready to fall apart.
This was the first (and only) book that I have read which is written purely through instant messages. It was very well written and contained some of the many wonderful elements, which make a young adult book spectacular. These elements include; drama, school, teenagers, and a "good-girl" turned bad.
So, I read this a year or two ago. And, if I remember correctly, it was one of the books that got me into reading.
Lauren Myracle did a fantastic job writing this book. It was truly original.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan (On Sale August 25, 2009)

This book was written by David Levithan, must I say more?
First there is a Before, and then there is an After. . . .
The lives of three teens—Claire, Jasper, and Peter—are altered forever on September 11, 2001. Claire, a high school junior, has to get to her younger brother in his classroom. Jasper, a college sophomore from Brooklyn, wakes to his parents’ frantic calls from Korea, wondering if he’s okay. Peter, a classmate of Claire’s, has to make his way back to school as everything happens around him.
Here are three teens whose intertwining lives are reshaped by this catastrophic event. As each gets to know the other, their moments become wound around each other’s in a way that leads to new understandings, new friendships, and new levels of awareness for the world around them and the people close by.
This book was absolutely marvelous. I know I say that for a lot of books, but marvelous is the only word I can seem to conjure up to describe this book, and even that, doesn't express how much I loved it. Some people may find it hard to write about the 9/11 and how life was afterward, but if it was hard for Mr. Levithan, he didn't show it. Most of the time I don't really like when a book changes different points of view. But, in Love is the Higher Law, it helps the story smoothly move forward.
This was a heartwarming story about three friends, and how they lived after the terrible events of 9/11.
When this book comes out on August 25, you all should read it. It is one of my favorite books.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
When- Saturday June 13th
Time- 5pm PST
Where- http://www.chatzy.com/552963713413
So, come join us for fun and words and books!
Friday, June 12, 2009

So,today is my big brother's graduation. Though we fight, and argue, and rarely talk to each other because you are always glued to your computer, and I'm always glued to a book; I am happy for you, and I love you.
I realize that the chances of my brother reading this are incredibly slim, but I felt the need to get it out there. So, congrats to you, Zach.
I am incredibly happy and proud to be your sister.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Devouring by Simon Holt
When dark creeps in and eats the light, Bury yours fears on Sorry Night. For in the winter’s blackest hours, Comes the feasting of the Vours. No one will see it, the life they stole, Your body’s here but not your soul…” | ![]() |
15-year-old Reggie doesn’t know who penned the mysterious journal about the Vours, wicked creatures that inhabit children’s bodies on Sorry Night, the darkness of the winter solstice. Once inside a human, the Vour assumes the victim’s personality, banishing their soul to a dark netherworld called a fearscape. Frightening, but thought to be only the musings of an anonymous lunatic... until a midnight game awakens an ancient evil.
After playing with the journal’s incantations on Sorry Night, Reggie and her best friend Aaron discover the story of the Vours is all too real. When a demonic force consumes Reggie’s little brother, Henry, she must race to save him. Slowly, she uncovers the truth: Vours have existed since the dawn of mankind, feeding on humanity’s fright. Reggie acquires the ability to enter victims’ fearscapes, psychic prisons sculpted from pure terror. Once inside, she must empower victims to conquer their fear and destroy the Vours that have enslaved them.
Together with a small band of believers, Reggie wages war against an enemy she cannot touch or reason with, creatures powerful enough to enslave human bodies and steal souls without detection. The Vours gorge themselves on human fear—feeding their guile, their cruelty, and their power. A cataclysm called “The Devouring “ approaches, and only Reggie Halloway can stop it.
Oh my gosh. This book got me out of my reading rut. It was amazing. I don't really go for books like these often, because I get freaked out really easily. This book scared the crap out of me. But, I loved it. Simon Holt did a wonderful job writing. I wanted to keep reading because it was so good. But, at the same time, I wanted to stop reading because it was creepy, but good. Instead of putting it down, I continued reading, and I wasn't disappointed at all.
Everyone should read this book. It was really amazing. I loved it.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday

Demon Princess: Reign Or Shine by Michelle Rowen
This sounds really good. And, the cover is awesome. I am totally looking forward to this book.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Random Meme
Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
I generally like paperback more, because of the price. Hardback is fine too, though.
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
I don't really have a preference. I actually like Copperfields more, because that is were I go for most book signings. The one that is by me, has a really awesome selection of books, and has a used bookstore attached to it!
Bookmark or dog-ear?
Bookmark all the way. When I was little, I used to dog-ear because my mom would always do that after reading to me. But now, I hate making a mark in a book. I will use almost anything to mark my place in a book.
Amazon or brick-and-mortar?
I actually don't order off of Amazon. If I need a book, I usually request it from the store, and go to pick it up there. That also allows me to look around and get more books. So, I guess it's a win win situation!
Alphabetize by author, or alphabetize by title, or random?
Random. Well, it depends since I volunteer at a used bookstore, we alphabetize by last name. But, in my home library I organize by genera and then I put it in order by my favorite authors.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
Keep. I could never throw away a book, it just seems wrong to me. I am also a huge pack-rat when it comes to books.
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Keep it. But, when I am reading the book I take it off so it doesn't get ruined.
Read with dust jacket or remove it?
Like I said before, remove it. I don't want the dust jacket getting in the way, and getting dirty.
Short story or novel?
Novel. But, it I like who wrote the short story I will read it. I like the fact that novels are longer.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Harry Potter all the way. I haven't actually read Lemony Snicket.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
Normally chapter breaks. But, if it;s a really good book, when I am tired, or when I fall asleep.
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
It was a dark and stormy night. The other one just seems too fairy-tale. Fairy-tale is prett annoying at times.
Buy or borrow?
I like to buy. But, I tend to borrow more, because buying costs money...
New or used?
New. But, I work at a used bookstore.
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
I can't choose. They are all so good.
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
It depends on the book.
Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
Late night reader.
Stand-alone or series?
Series, if they flow into each other.
Favorite series?
Harry Potter
Favorite children’s book?
Hmmm... I don't know.
Favorite YA book?
Looking for Alaska by John Green or Paper Towns by John Green or any book by David Levithan.
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Gahh! I don't know!
Favorite books read last year?
Paper Towns, Suite Scarlett, Wake, and a lot more. I read like 113 books last year, so it's hard to choose.
Favorite books of all time?
Looking for Alaska, Harry Potter, and like 100 more.
What are you reading right now?
The DeVouring by Simon Holt
What are you reading next?
I don't know. There are so many to read...
Favorite book to recommend to an 11-year-old?
I don't really know. There are so many books I can't write them all. Harry Potter is a good one though.
Favorite book to re-read?
Any book that I own and like I have re-read.
Do you ever smell books?
Yes...books smell magnifecint.
Do you ever read primary source documents like letters or diaries?
No. I used to though...
Monday, June 8, 2009
I Went to a Book Signing!

So, as I mentioned in my "In My Mailbox" post, yesterday, I went to a book signing. I have only been to one before, but my lack of experience didn't effect the awesome that went on! Sadly there were only a few people there. The audience members consisted of three girls that worked there and had read Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus's previous books. And, myself. Though it was such a small crowd, in a way, I think a small crowd is better than a big crowd. Because, in a small crowd the experience is more close up.
At the signing, Emma and Nicola read from The Real Real, answered questions, and spoke about how they got the idea for their first Young Adult novel. For the signing, I brought my advance reader copy of The Real Real, but I actually ended up getting my mom to buy me the final copy and a copy of The Nanny Diaries.
This was an awesome book signing and I am totally grad I went!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
In My Mailbox

I went to a book signing for these authors today, and, though I have the ARC of The Real Real, I thought I would get a final copy too. So, I did.
Imagine there was never a Laguna Beach, a Newport Harbor, the shimmering Hills. Imagine that your hometown—your school—is the first place XTV descends to set up cameras.
Now imagine they've trained them on you.
When Jesse O'Rourke gets picked for a "documentary" being filmed at her school in the Hamptons she's tempted to turn down the offer. But there's a tuition check attached to being on the show, and Jesse needs the cash so she can be the first in her family to attend college. All she has to do is trade her best friend for the glam clique she's studiously avoided, her privacy for a 24/7 mike, and her sense of right and wrong for "what sells on camera." . . . At least there's one bright spot in the train wreck that is her suddenly public senior year: Jesse's crush has also made the cast.
As the producers manipulate the lives of their "characters" to heighten the drama, and Us Weekly covers become a regular occurrence for Jesse, she must struggle to remember one thing: the difference between real and the real real.

The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
I went to a book signing for these authors today, so I thought I would get this for them to sign.
One young woman to take care of four-year-old boy.
Must be cheerful, enthusiastic and selfless-bordering on masochistic
Must relish sixteen-hour shifts with a deliberately nap-deprived pre-schooler
Must love getting thrown up on, literally and figuratively, by everyone in his family
Must enjoy the delicious anticipation of ridiculously erratic pay
Mostly, must love being treated like fungus found growing out of employers Hermes bag.
Those who take it personally need not apply.
Who wouldn't want this job?
Struggling to graduate from NYU and afford her microscopic studio apartment, Nanny takes a position caring for the only son of the wealthy X family. She rapidly learns the insane amount of juggling involved to ensure that a Park Avenue wife who doesn't work, cook, clean, or raise her own child has a smooth day.
When the Xs marriage begins to disintegrate, Nanny ends up involved way beyond the bounds of human decency or good taste. Her tenure with the X family becomes a nearly impossible mission to maintain the mental health of their four-year-old, her own integrity and, most importantly, her sense of humor. Over nine tense months Mrs. X and Nanny perform the age-old dance of decorum and power as they test the limits of modern-day servitude.
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
"What do you want from me?" he asks. What I want from every person in my life, I want to tell him. More.
Abandoned by her mother on Jellicoe Road when she was eleven, Taylor Markham, now seventeen, is finally being confronted with her past. But as the reluctant leader of her boarding school dorm, there isn't a lot of time for introspection. And while Hannah, the closest adult Taylor has to family, has disappeared, Jonah Griggs is back in town, moody stares and all.
Switch by Carol Snow
Claire Martin has some serious body issues.
Not much happens in Claire's sleepy beach town, but that's okay. All she wants is to hang out with her best friend, make the high school swim team, and convince Nate, the guy of her dreams, to stop calling her "Dude." And, oh—she'd really, really like to stay in her own skin.
Ever since Claire hit her teens, electrical storms have been making her switch bodies. Usually she's back to her old self in no time. But when something goes terribly wrong, she finds herself stuck as another girl. And not just any girl, but the icy beauty who has caught Nate's eye.
Suddenly Claire goes from being Miss Average to Miss Gorgeous—the model-thin blonde that every girl wants to look like and every guy wants to date. Will she ever figure out how to get back to her old life? More importantly, will she want to?
Chatzy B-Day Party!
When- Saturday June 13th
Time- 5pm PST
Where- http://www.chatzy.com/552963713413
So, come join us for fun and words and books!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The winner of Dead is the New Black is...
The winner of Sloane Sisters is...
The winner of Freaky Monday is...
Please e-mail zaser_jam AT yahoo DOT com with your address. Thanks!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday (On Friday)

Author: Justine Larbalestier
September 29, 2009
Micah freely admits that she’s a compulsive liar. And that may be the one honest thing he’ll ever tell you. Over the years she’s duped her classmates, her teachers, and even her parents. But when her boyfriend, Zach, dies under brutal circumstances, the shock might be enough to set her straight. Or maybe not. Especially when lying comes as naturally to her as breathing. Was Micah dating Zach? Or was Sarah his real girlfriend? And are the stories Micah tells about inheriting a “family gene” real or are they something that only exists in her mind?Breathtaking in its plotting, and narrated by one of the most psychologically complex youngwomen to emerge since Sybil, Liar is a roller-coaster that will have listeners grasping for the truth. Honestly.
I have never read anything by this author. But, I do have one of her books, so I should probably read that. This sounds really wonderful and awesome and I can't wait to read it. The cover is also very pretty and interesting.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
An Interview with Jordyn
1. Blog url:
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Son of the Mob by Gordon Kormon

Most kids have to worry about acne, studying, and trying to find a way to get a car -- high school isn't an easy time for anybody! But what do you do if you've not only got to worry about high school, but a father who is a mobster, as well? Trust me, complicated doesn't even begin to cover it!
Vince Luca is as straight as they come, a positive throwback in a family of mobsters. He and his dad get along great, when his father is able to keep the family business away from the family ... unfortunately, that isn't an easy thing to do! So Vince is actually sort of used to having to worry about the police and the FBI causing him minor inconveniences.
But it isn't the worry of mobsters showing up at his school, or teachers afraid to give him low marks for fear of a contract being put out on them that causes Vince the most headaches, but trying to figure out how to keep the Feds out of his lovelife, especially when the girl he wants to date is the Daughter of the FBI!
Normally I wouldn't read this book out of choice, but I didn't have anything to read at the time, so I went out to the library and came back with this. I heard heard that this was a good book from some friends in my class earlier in the year.
As I made my way throught this book, I found myself liking it. Though it was from a guy's point of view. I found it empowering. Vince makes a really cool journey, and it was really really well written.
I found that I couldn't stop reading this book, sure it wasn't my type of thing. Sure I had no previous intention of reading it. But it was really good. I think if you like action mixed with a bit of drama. You should read this.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Books Read in May
55. Daughter of Darkness by LJ Smith
56. Spellbinder by LJ Smith
57. Dark Angel by LJ Smith
58. The Chose by LJ Smith
59. Soulmate by LJ Smith
60. Freaky Monday by Mary Rodgers and Heather Hach
61. Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis
62. Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle
63. Huntress by LJ Smith
64. Sloane Sisters by Anna Carey
65. Willow by Julia Hoban
66. If I Stay by Gayle Forman
67. 20 Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler
Favorite Book (s)- So, my favorite books are a tie with Willow, Peace Love and Baby Ducks, If I Stay, and 20 Boy Summer.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Twenty Boy Summer Contest!

Yes! I am giving away three copies of Twenty-Boy Summer! Here is the summary:
“Don’t worry, Anna. I’ll tell her, okay? Just let me think about the best way to do it.”
“Promise me? Promise you won’t say anything?”
“Don’t worry.” I laughed. “It’s our secret, right?”
For Anna Reiley and Frankie Perino, the ingredients for the Absolute Best Summer Ever are simple: Two girls. Two bikinis. And twenty days in Zanzibar Bay, California. The best part? According to Frankie, if they meet one boy every day, there’s a good chance Anna will find her first summer romance.
Anna lightheartedly agrees to the fun, but there’s something she hasn’t told Frankie… she’s already had her romance, and it was with Frankie’s older brother, Matt, just before his tragic death last year.
This contest ends June 17th! June 17th, is also my birthday! Whooo!
To Enter:
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+2 If you subscribe
+3 if you are already subscribed
+3 if you comment on my review of Twenty Boy Summer
Open to the people in the US only. Sorry.